It was the same for me as well, I had been doing the bow and supply business since 1998 and running a meat market for a company that I was with for 28 years. It got to the point that I that I knew I needed to make a move because I had gone as far with both as I could like it was. So in September of last year I hung up my butcher knives for a drawknife and have not looked back. Doing it full time gives you so many options at doing it and other things as well. The thing that will make it work for you is that you know your business and its not like stepping out and starting up a bow business from scratch, you already have it going on.
For me it has allowed me to trap full time in the winter which is something that I have always wanted to do since I was a kid and the difference really showed on my fur check from this year.
Good luck and you will have a ball!