Cade and I had a couple ponds scouted out and had a plan to try froggin' out of our canoe for the first time. Figured with the high water, we'd be shooting toward shore, making it easier to find arrows.
After Cade's game yesterday in 95 degree temps(we lost,bummer), he invited his cousin's over to go in the pool.
Cade asked his 14yr. old cousin Alec if he wanted to go try frogging again(he went last year on a real slow afternoon and he didn't connect)...he jumped at the opportunity to try again!
I set him up with a 25# target bow. It's the only rt hand bow we have in the house except Mae-Mae's little bow. It's actually the bow I learned to shoot on when I was a kid. I shot it left handed!
Anyway.....when we got to the first pond. I told the boys to try to find targets from land that they could shoot at.....and shoot they did!
They both missed the first one they shot at...then Cade found a big one and conncted...
We were sure he connected, but never did see the frog or arrow come up. We could see a bunch more around the pond, so we figured it would be best to get in the canoe to look for his frog and go after the others...
Two happy boys...
We hadn't gone very far when we saw a big one right where Cade had shot earlier...he shot again...
Sure enough it was the same had 2 arrows in it!
Now Alec had not shot a bow since last year when he came with us....but it didn't take him long to "figure it out".....his first frog! In fact his first anything with a bow!
Five minutes later he connected again!
more coming......