After weeks of almost unbearable waiting, Nate Steele of Bamabows contacted me to let me know my bow was ready to ship. Unfortunately, it arrived the day after I left for a week vacation.
But, I finally got home yesterday and ran in the house to unpack her. She's pretty. This is my first serious endeavor into the traditional world, but I know enough to know that this is a great bow.
The specs:
Bamabow "Hunter" model, curly maple riser and accents, bamboo and glass lams, 66" AMO, 53# @ 28".
The photos:

Despite the 106 degree heat yesterday, I, of course, had to go out and shoot it. Untuned, it was flinging darts. Once I get as good as the bow, the deer will be leaping into my freezer.
In summary, I'm very pleased with the bow. Nate made exactly what I wanted. I'm a simple guy and I wanted my bow to match. I didn't get crazy with a lot of different woods, but I really love how this turned out. The arrows and quiver I made myself.