I forgot to add something I have been thinking of doing.
When I look at the old Fred Bear kits with the Western Blade, stone and file it gets my brain turning around and I think about making my own "kit" that would handle all knife chores I would likely face.
As an example, I would get a PUMA Bowie with the 6 1/2 inch blade and then get a PUMA Hunters Pal, the one that Bear actually carried, with a 4 inch blade and then have someone make me a sheath that would allow me to carry both of them. It could be done with any number of knife combos, depending on what YOU like. I think it would be really cool to have such a setup. It could even be a 4 or 5 inch fixed blade with a nice, heavy duty and capable FOLDER in a pouch on the sheath. I think about what would be a good combo all the time and I haven't decided on what ones to start with. Getting there is half the fun too.
This is a project I'll take up after I get the Hill style bow I want.
What do you all think about such an idea? Has anyone you know of, or you, done such a thing?
Thanks again.