i always carry my little dozier slim outdoorsman. 3.5". i have no use for pre-broken knives.
i've always loved big knives, too, though.
most of the men i hunt hogs and elk with carry a pistol.
i just don't like to carry a firearm when bowhunting. not an ethical thing, not a judgemental thing.
just an aesthetic thing.
anyway, i still like to have a last-ditch weapon, against bear or boar.
i recently bought 2 laclair bowies. meant to have 1 as a spare, but the ranch manager, who treats me way better 3than i deserve, really admired them, so i gave him 1 yesterday.
call it unemployment insurance. not really. he's a good friend, and i learned a long time ago you reap what you sow.
anyway, cl matteo forges a remarkable 10" bowie knife, and ron laclair sells it.
it's not just fairly priced, it's stupid-cheap.