Just got in the mail a beautiful bow from Nate at Bamabows.
Honestly the quietest bow that I have ever shot with out silencers on the string. Can't imagine they would help much.
Nate builds a quality bow, and is a quality person to deal with.
This is my 3rd bow from him and had a great experience everytime!
In a world where good customer service is getting more and more scarce, you are sure to find it with Nate.
Here are the specs,
66" Amo 100#@28
Walnut Riser
Walnut Veneers
Osage Core/3 Laminations of Osage
Curly Maple Accent
Phenolic Tips
Grip is just right and it points where you shoot. Straight limb bow.
Here are some pics, wish I had a better camera.