Sorry about the poor quality, gotta fix my scanner.
This brute was HUGE. Its very tough to get a pic that really shows the sheer size of a bear laying on the ground, Bill's pic above is great!
.I dont give a hoot about scoring but my friend is a measurer and "HAD" to do the skull. It would be in the Boone and Crockett book with a Silvertip recurve. I wont give exact numbers, but over 21" net.It drives him insane that I wont enter it, and the guide I used wont even speak to me. Whatever.
When I skinned it and hung it up stretched between two trees like a rug, there was a foot over my head to its tail and from its ears forward were laying on the ground...I'm 6 feet.
Look at the width of the paw on that guy.
A quick pass through and it was over in about 45 seconds.
I've taken 5 bears with the recurve, tell your son no problem!
Heres another from 1989.
Both bears from northern Alberta. Much smaller but still a great first trad kill!