I suffer from MS, so for me a sweet draw is very important. I tried and shot many different bows, longbows, recurves and horsebows.
I found my Holy Grale in the Caribow Peregrine. It is a hybrid 62 inch longbow; it is heavily reflexed/deflexed and has a pistolgrip. When strung, the string does not touch the limbs, though the bow has no trough D-shape.
A very fast shooter, one of the fastest I shot,a smoooth and sweet draw all the way up to 30 inches, dead-quiet after release, no handshock or vibrations, even with 9GPP arra's.
I liked it so much that I bought another one, with 6 lbs more drawweight. I draw this weight also with ease.
Those Peregrines are the only bows I shooth right now. Caribows are all pieces of art and built to last. The craftmanship is impeccable.
If you want more info, PM me.