A while back, Randy had written an article about "Practice how you Hunt". In his article, he emphasized the importance of visualizing and practicing real life hunting scenarios with your current set up.
Here's the link to Randy's article.
http://strictlysticks.com/2012/03/15/practice-how-you-hunt-by-r-burtis-ch1/ For the last couple months, I've been hunting an area that is really thick and the shots come quick. Personally, I've been "still hunting" the area. I'd be better off in a stand, but I just love to hunt from the ground. In the area, I try to walk very slowly, listen and glass under or though the open lanes. Once a pig is spotted, I'll only have seconds to get ready, look for an opening and release the arrow.
Listening to Randy's advice, I've been practicing shots that mimic the hunting area. Over the last few weeks, I've been setting up targets behind trees and brush. I've also practiced nocking up faster and executing quicker but still controlled shots.
Here's what the area looks like.
more to come...