At least that is what I am calling my grandson now.
My grandson Brad, and I went to a local 3D this morning, and shot antelope, buffalo, alligators, baboons, and all the other northern N.Y. native species, LOL. It was a fun morning, and then came the novelty part.
There were several challenging shots to be made, and one in particular caught my grandson's eye.
Now he is not new to trad. archery, but he only shoots about twice a year, and this is the first shoot I got him to go to since he was 10 years old. He is 20 now.
Back to the noverlty shot. There was a manniquin with a piece of chalk in its mouth in place of a cigarette. Now this was no chip shot, as it was out there at 27 yards. It took three shots, but on the third shot he popped that piece of chalk directly in half.
There just happened to be a reporter from a local paper there that took down the information, and said that he would get it in print in the next week.
Wow! What a day. I think we have got a new member to add to our trad. ranks.