I've been purposely "playing around" with my Dual Arc Slim Jim Quiver, (and talking to John on the phone a couple times), just to familiarize myself with all it's options and choices. Right now I can't draw my bow Blackie to full draw, because of my recent illness. So I figure I'll use the time to put the quiver through it's paces in regards to mounting/placement. In other words I've had it on and off my bow a number of times, in different ways - and we are now "close friends" - LOL. For one thing, it is so easy to put on and take off, that it's a pleasure to do. Another thing, there are so many small (and large) variations possible - and they all look and feel good. As John assured me, "There is no really right or wrong way to adjust this quiver to your personal likes and style." However, there are a few "tricks", or tips, that will help us getting the optimum out of it. John plans to include a sheet of those hints with his new Dual Arc quivers - but as I said at the beginning, some of us just can't wait - LOL
I think that so far, the way I have mine right now, for my style, my bow, my arrows, and my likes and dislikes is probably the way I will want mine mounted on Blackie. Of course I will know better after I build back up with lighter bows (and exercise) and then get to shooting Blackie on a regular basis again. In the meantime here are some pics of my Dual Arc Slim Jim mounted on Blackie, my Anneewakee Addiction , a 54" recurve. Hope they may help in visualizing, for others.
In my case, where I have an extra short bow, and long (31") arrows, it's obvious how the variable adjustments available with the 2 "arcs" is a real boon in choices. I happen to choose to have one of the mounting posts on the Belly side of the bow, and the other one on the Back of the bow.
You may also notice some of the neat little features that make this quiver special, over and above the adjustment features. Such as, the bow is pictured hanging from the hanger ring that is a part of the quiver hood, in all of the pics. Also the holding straps are fashioned with a "belt-like" tip that allows you to tuck it in the end hole of the strap for security and neatness of the tips (I love that, and it wont come out on it's own). I know I will find even more things to really like about this quiver, just as I did with my original Slim Jims, and all of those features are still here in this one. BTW, I didn't weigh them while I had them off but I would swear this Dual Arc is a tad lighter than the original Slim Jim.
In my opinion, John has a real winner here to offer us - again.