decided not to wait till the last minute...I only have two arrows now, I busted a nock of the third last night. so, two groups of two here.
The first shot went according to plan, 45 degree angle is nearly my native tendency, I generally shoot right when I cant more then usual. Nailed it this time The backward shot gave me hell, turning into my prerequisite flyer for the group.

Third shot was great, I practice that exact shot and distance all the time, fourth one I released a tad early.

In the end it looks like this.

The bottom shot in the center, I think deserves an 8. I believe the paper tore into the line due to the lightness of the paper not because of impact. you be the judge
I'll claim two 6's an 8 and a ten.
30 ttl
amazing how often we 'cut the line'.