Haven't posted in a long time.
Sorry to be redundant if I am. Search option doesnt work well for me.
In March I tore the two bicep ligaments / tendens from the shoulder bone. Surgery 4 weeks ago and now PT. I live in the house now pondering recovery and the future of shooting right handed. (no, wheels will not be an option).. Need a couple of encouragement experiances please.
Now. About the wood shaft issues:
In the last 10 years kids and life has kept archery at a minimum. I haven't payed attention to the prices of shafts as I've had probably over a hundred in my supply that I have been living off of in the last 10yrs.. These 35-40 bucks a dozen is rediculous. Im thinking about going back to raminn as I did have sucess with, though cedar was my favorite. Im used to 50-100 cents a shaft. Im not a tightwad by any means, Im just having a stroke over shafts prices. Where in the He** can I find decent or close to decent bulk wood shating? I had a feeling 20 yrs. ago this would happen but to ignorant to buy a lifetime stock pile.
Fellows thanks for reading my frustrations.