Here are specs for three Hill style bows.
Bow Name/Label: Howard Hill, Northern Mist, Northern Mist
Model: Tembo, Classic TD, Shelton
NTN: 68'', 68'', 66''
Nock Width: 1/4'', 5/16'', 5/16''
Profile: Backset 1'' , Very Slight R/D , String Follow 1 1/8''
Lams/Type: 3 Bamboo, 4 American Elm, 4 Bamboo
Riser Width: 1 1/8', 1'', 1 1/8''
Handle Depth: 2 1/4'' to 2 3/16'' on dished grip, 2 1/8'', 2 1/8''
Handle Shape: Slight dish/Oblong, Straight/Oval, Straight/Oval
Handle Width: 1 1/4'', 1 1/16'', 1 1/8''
Riser Length: 15'', 16'', 15 1/2''
Limb width at nock: 7/16'', 1/2'', 1/2''
Limb width at midlimb: 15/16'', 7/8'', 7/8''
Limb width at riser: 1 1/8'', 1 1/8'', 1 1/8''
Limb depth at nock: 3/8'', 3/8'', 3/8''
Limb depth at midlimb: 7/16'', 7/16'', 7/16''
Limb depth at riser: 1/2'', 1/2'', 1/2''
trapped etc.: Trapped to belly, Trapped to back, Trapped to back
Bowyer: John Schulz, Steve Turay, Steve Turay
Est. Year Built: 1970s, 2011, 2009
Marked Specs: 64# @ 26'', 56# @ 28'', 56# @ 28''