Motherlode ... just what I was thinking !
Fortunate for me I wear glasses with poly carbonate lenses, my right eye is the only one I can see good out of. I have amblyopia, lazy eye, and can't see better than 20 / 800 out of my left eye. I hit my glasses pretty hard when my hand hit me in the face. But thinking back my mom used to whack me better than that so i'm good to go.
As far as replacement bows I might have to start looking for another longbow. I'm down to two LB's, a nice 3pc Tree Stick and a 2pc Big Jim Thunderchild and a hand full of recurves. I have been thinning the herd but may have gotten carried away. I had a PLV I traded a while back that I wish I had back. It was a 2pc 64" 52# I think, sweet shooter ! Had Ravensgate on it if anyone knows where it is at ...
Thanks for all the kind words ... accidents happen