I resisted carbons for many years, but finally bit the bullet and started learning about them. (I still don't know from Uni Nocks!)
I started with Carbon Express, got some mismarked shafts, dropped down in spine and then found out that the brass inserts and nock adapters wouldn't fit the .600 spines. Tried Grizzly Stick Woodies. Learned to foot them as they split very readily.
Went to Gold Tip Trads. Can't get enough! The inserts and adapters fit all the spines, so I can tweak point weight and use my glue-on nocks. I enjoy cresting them, and fool a lot of folks who think they are woods. I foot them, so they last forever, which makes it hard to justify buying more, just so I can crest them.
I shoot wood, aluminum, cane or carbon, out of any bow I want. Right now I am attempting to master the Hill bow with my bulletproof carbons. When I switch bows, I will shoot whatever works. I have some real Magic woodies, and my trusty 2013s. They are all good!