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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: A Real Bowhunter more pic's on page 3&4 new kill pictures 2012 on page 6  (Read 4667 times)

Offline Mike Yancey

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Here is the real deal


My hunting buddy Jerry Bowen from Wyoming. This is a picture of me and him back in the spring when I was out there on a turkey hunt. This guy has taken more game (Trophy Game) than most will ever even hunt in a life time. He is 70 now and needed to drop some bow weight so I sent a sinew backed osage 45 @ 28 that will smoke a 5/16 arrow. He drew 4 tags in WY this year and I would hate to be the animals that he is after.


Offline Mike Mecredy

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I thought most of us already were real bow hunters.

I got to add, that looks like a nice home he has, and some nice memories mounted there.
TGMM Family of the bow
USAF, Retired

Offline Bel007

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Nice pic.  Inspiring.  thnx.
Brian - aka "Big Sexy"
Compton Traditional Bowhunters - Lifetime Member

Offline sledge

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very cool. i like it.



Offline Stiks-n-Strings

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Looks like your buddy has earned some braggin rights Mike
Striker stinger 58" 55# @ 28
any wood bow I pick off the rack.
 2 Cor. 10:4
 TGMM Family of The Bow
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Online Ray Lyon

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That's a cool picture Mike. I think there's probably a few 'sleepers' out there like Jerry that just don't get the publicity that some do, but as you allude to, that doesn't mean they're not excellent hunters. I think the variety of quality animals pictured really speaks of Jerry's ability.
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Offline ron w

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I guess I have to ask.....are they all bow kills?? If so that's a real fine collection of trophies. I really like the goat.......love the white coat!
In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's there are few...So the most difficult thing is always to keep your beginner's mind...This is also the real secret of the arts: always be a beginner.  Shunryu Suzuki

Offline Mike Yancey

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There are many out there like him that no one ever hears about. I just feel it is quite a deal to take so many trophy class animals in your life time. Not that he is better than anyone else or that others are not as good a hunter. Jerry just happens to be someone that I know that you don't hear about and thought everyone that hunts would appreciate his trophies.

Offline Shedrock

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Jerry is a great hunter. What you see in the pic is probably only 1/10th of all the super animals he has taken. I hope he fills all 4 of his tags this fall.
Member of;
Pope and Young
Colorado Traditional Archers Society
and Life member of Bowhunters Of Wyoming

Offline Mike Yancey

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All bow kills

Offline FerretWYO

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I have been in his house as well. Jerry is awesome and more willing to give advice than anyone I know.
TGMM Family of The Bow

Offline wapiti792

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Great pics and thanks Mike for posting! There are many guys like him that we never get to see or hear about...real bowhunters like ourselves who go about their life doing what they love. Folks like Jerry don't tute their own horn. It's a shame we don't hear more about the Jerrys of the world while we are constantly hammered by hunting "celebs" that have not been-there, done-that like he has. Kudos to him and you for showing us a little piece of what appears to be a life well spent   :campfire:  

I too hope he fills all 4 tags...with that bow of yours and we get to hear the stories!
Mike Davenport

Offline Mike Yancey

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To be a state that has so few people Wyoming is one that has some of the best traditional hunters.
FerrtWYO and Shedrock are in the same boat as Jerry just not as old, great guys!

Offline Gil Verwey

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Are the mule deer Wyoming mulies? I could move right into that house. Beautiful. The only problem would be what to decorate the walls with!

I am doing elk DIY this year but I would like to do a few mulie hunts also. They are gorgeous.
TGMM Family of the bow.

Offline kbetts

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My only question is in regards to all the time and $ needed to put together an unbelievable lifetime collection such as that.............is he or was he ever married?
"The overhead view is of me in a maze...you see what I'm hunting a few steps away."  Phish

Offline Mike Yancey

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Jerry has had some real health problems this past year and is lucky to even be here this year. He missed all of last season but he is as tough as he is a good hunter, so he is fighting his way back into hunting shape.
He made a goal with himself this year to not only fill those tags, an Antelope, Mule Deer, Whitetail and Elk tag but to take each animal that is large enough to book in P&Y.
The guys that know him know that if he is able health wise, he will do it. He also told me that he has never written a hunting article but that he would do one on all his hunts this year!

Offline Mike Yancey

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He is married, his wife has taken several animals with a bow as well. The mule deer are from WY, CO, and Canada most in the picture are wy and co.

Offline kbetts

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My new hero......

He's obviously been blessed.  And to share it with someone that enjoys it as well......well, that's just icing on the cake.  Truelly impressive.
"The overhead view is of me in a maze...you see what I'm hunting a few steps away."  Phish

Offline bohuntr

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Very cool Mike, thanks for posting!!! I would love to be able to take one muledeer or one elk in my lifetime with my bow as big as those pictured!
To me, the ultimate challenge in bowhunting is not how far away you can succesfully make a killing shot but rather how close you can get to the animal before shooting.

Offline Mike Yancey

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One of the greatest hunts of my life was a few years ago when Jerry and I made a stalk on a feeding mule deer in Wyoming. Jerry looked over the edge of a draw and ducked back down and said he's 25 yards away. I stood up to take the shot but the deer spoted me, both the deer and me froze, Jerry cool as a cucumber whispered, just take your time. I was tempted to draw with him looking at me but when he said that I just took a breath and the deer began to walk again. I came to full draw causing the deer to freeze. I will never forget that shaft flying through the Wyoming sage, drilling the buck with Jerry right there to see it all.
You don't forget days like that!

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