I made a trade on here a week or so ago and part of the trade was a new Bear Bubinga B-handle. And it was here in the mail yesterday and boy is it pretty , I had also bought some Schafer Bear limbs off here a few weeks back. This riser and limbs make me a nice smooth 64in bow that shoots better than I do ( and that aint saying much ). Anyway I got to shoot it today and figured the best way to break it in was to go hunt a hog with it.I loaded the truck and went out to my in-laws place for a quick afternoon hunt with the new set-up.On the way to my stand I spotted two hogs down by the tank and put a stalk on em.It was right at dark and getting darker very fast but I got on em with enough light for a shot.There was one big one and one small one so I would go for the bigger one , not that Im a trophy hunter it is just a bigger target for me to hit.After a little cat and mouse I got about a 25yd quartered away shot and it looked real good ( I have those lighted nocks ).It let out a loud grunt and ran a tight loop and stopped in some brush about 70yds away , I could see the nock glowing ( man I love those things ).I figured I would go get in my stand and see if any others would come out and play.Got in my stand and could still see the glowing nock in the same place and I liked that.Got my light on my bow and set in for the hunt and it is very dark now I could hear some hogs around me but never saw em.It has been about 30min now and it is about as hot as I can stand it.I thought I had better go take care of this hog so the meat dont go bad or the mosquitoes dont eat it all.Looked over and yep nock still in the same place so I climb down and head that way.100yds nock still glowing hasent moved an inch , 50yds same , 25yds not a sound and no movement , 10yds looks dead to me , 5yds everything changes real fast.He aint dead and he aint real happy , he jumps up when I step on a stick and spins toward me popping his mouth and blowing blood out of his nose.
So here I am in a not so good place to be I kinda have him hemmed up in the brush and his best way out is where Im standing.I get an arrow out and get it on the bow and start to back out but he dont like that at all.Anytime my feet made a sound he would come my way , I have the light on my bow on him and I cant look where Im going cause Im not going to take the light off him at this point.He wont turn and give me a shot and he is only 5yds from me and seems to be getting madder by the second.Well here is what I come up with There is a small tree just off to my right just not sure if I can beat him to it or not. Enough is enough Im gona shoot him in the head straight on and if I miss it might give me enough time to make the tree ( sounded good at the time )
I drew back a full 30in and locked in for about 4 or 5 seconds and was burning a hole in the spot I was wanting my arrow to go.The string was away and next thing I know all four of his feet are in the air , when that arrow hit is sounded like a 30-30 went off I mean it cratered his butt.It just smooth locked him down and the stand off was over when he flipped over it broke my arrow off and looks like it went in 4 or 5 inches.This is one that I wont soon forget , got it home and all cleaned up and the first arrow was good just not good enough it had taken one lung and just barley caught the other.Going over to a friends house and having him on the pit for a nice dinner and story for Thursday night.And for those that want to know the bow is 51# @30 for me , Im shooting 31in GT 75/95 with big Magnus 2 blade and steel adpt for an arrow just over 600gr. Yall be SAFE...