Our archery season opened today. I sat for a couple of hours this morning before the heat and the skeeters drove me back into the AC.
Had a good rain storm come through this afternoon and as soon as it cleared, I was back in the stand.
About 7 pm I had a funky horned, 3 on one side, spike on the other buck come in from the exact opposite direction I was expecting them to come from! Dead downwind. He stomped and snorted and left only to return 5 minutes later. He stopped broadside at about 11 yards. I shot UNDER him! GRRRRR! First shot of the season and I blow it. He left with a quickness and I got down to retrieve my arrow and double check for blood. Clean miss and I climb my disgruntled butt back in the tree.
Not 5 minutes later a little button buck comes in and blows out when he hit where I was standing just a few minutes prior.
I look out into the pasture to the south of our property and danged if there isn't a parade of young bucks wandering through! 5 all together. Everything from a pretty decent 6 point down to a one horned spike.
They all jump the fence and head my way. This 4 point wasn't the biggest by any means. He was just the first one to stand still in the right spot! With the wind swirling like it was. I figured I better shoot while the shooting was good!
He ducked and I shot high this time. Spined him and he dropped on the spot. I put another through his lungs and it was over quickly.
You know its hot out when the air in your backpack is cool enough from being in the house that when you take the camera out, it fogs up!
Love the dark horns on the bucks around here.
Now I can settle down and be a little picky about what I shoot.