Thanks guys! Feels pretty good to be wrapping up meat on the second day of the season. Going to go back out tonight and see if I can do it again.
Ron, Same Kanati. Little bow is starting to get some mojo!
Steve, Average weight. I just read a paper by the university of Florida and it says average buck weighs 125 and does average 90. I think thats pretty high myself. I measure them by time in the freezer. 2 deer a year will feed me and the wife for the year without any leftover. 3 deer and we have extra to give away.
Redshaft, The state moved the season up a month last year in the South region to coincide with the rut down here. The bucks are just starting to chase and in another couple of weeks they will start getting stupid. Its hotter than all get out and the skeeters are unreal but I'm liking the new season dates.