Alright gang. Thought I'd share how I build my ground blinds and the materials list I use. Hopefully some of y'all find it helpful. I got the idea from another site a few years ago and have been building these for a while now. They hold up well and last (so far) much longer than I've been able to get a high dollar blind to last.
Here's my materials list:
1- 4'x16' cattle panel
1- 12'x27' outdoor carpet (color depends on stock)
Zip ties (as many as you think)
3 or 4 1/2" pvc 8'(for the roof)
1-roll of black painters plastic 4mil thick
I think that's about it, materials wise.
1st thing I do is roll out the carpet and split down the middle. This allows for 2 blinds. I leave 2' overhand on each end and use the remaining 7' for the roof.
2nd: Lay the cattle panel out on the carpet (black in) allow 3-4" on the bottom. I put the part of the panel with the smaller squares on bottom. You will cut that bottom piece of straight off making spikes. Poke the carpet thru the spikes (this holds the carpet at the bottom)and when you setup, the spikes go into the ground.
Here's a full length shot. The excess you see up top will serve as a flap to fold up for part of the roof.
3rd: Start zip tying the panel in whatever fashion/pattern you want. Cut the tag ends off when your done.
This picture shows how you can cut the panel in half and reattach for easier transporting. I usually use my 16' trailer and just transport as 1 piece.
4th: Once you have the panel setup and into a circle, I cut spikes and attach the pvc to form the roof as seen in these pics. Also, when you circle the panel, it will pull the carpet nice and tight.