Thanks! Must be half the guys who own a HuntMore 360º have bad backs... I know half of my Trad. buddies do.
Don't forget you can lean your chair back for napping, I mean hunting, using two main methods:
1. Leaning Tree Method: for early am walk ins and mid afternoon naps: Use a big tree behind your back to break your outline up. Raise or shorten the two back legs all the way up and then lower the front one pretty much all the way down to make the chair level. Park the chair about 8 to 12" from a big tree and just lean back, this allows you to lean your head against the tree and take a quick Cat Nap before shooting times. This generally keeps me less crabby in the afternoons per my wife. I normally get a quick 20 min. Cat Nap using this method. BTW, while you're snoring and you're neighbors, who entered the woods late, are pushing deer back toward you, meanwhile you're sleeping and not moving around, and your snoring is calling in curious deer, great technique, especially when your buddy is filming the whole thing and not laughing his fool head off at you and driving the deer away.
Second method, is to just lean the chair back by shortening the back leg by an 1 or 2 inches. The only problem is your chair is not level when you spin around to the backside. other than that you're comfy.
Again, thanks for everyone who has support our family business. I'm so proud of my boys who have shipped out more than 400 chairs this last week.
Scott @