Ok, I'm all caught up. I started shooting about 10 minutes before sunset. I took this week's shots first. The remaining weeks may or may not be considered fair as I was warming up as I went (although my shooting actually got worse). By the time I did Week 5, it was 25 minutes after sunset, 5 minutes left of legal. I could barely make out the white plate in the shadows of the range, let alone see the center. I also had to photoshop this week's label as I got carried away making my plates and forgot week 6 was last week and I had actually done that one. BTW, we score the higher ring if the line is crossed, right? If not, I can correct -- I still have the plates. Anyhow, here are the results:
Week 7: 14 (one didn't really tear the paper)
Week 1: 30
Week 2: 18
Week 3: 24
Week 4: 18 (I totally missed the horizontal shot. Trying again later, I believe I found an area I really need some work on. Close to horizontal is ok, fully horizontal I can't do.)
Week 5: 24 (has anyone else noticed they shoot tight groups when they can't see their arrows fly or land?)