Originally posted by JParanee:
Calling it your job don't make it right
Shooting adolescent animals isn't right either(in my opinion), but people do it all of the time.
It irritates me when I see people post photos of spikes, small baby bucks and itty bitty does. I have my own personal standards for hunting. I pass up most of the deer I see.
I won't shoot young deer and I won't shoot does with yearlings following them. But not everyone does that.
It just depends on the person.
I think it may also be part of the Game & Fish Department's fault in a lot of nothern states that don't restrict the taking of small bucks.
Here in Arkansas you essentially have to wait until a buck is a six-point (has to have 3 tines on one side and at least one on the other side, which usually makes the buck a six point) and we have a lot of deer clubs in Arkansas that don't allow for their members to shoot anything smaller than an eight point.
If you want a healthy population then you need to have mature bucks and doe.