Had a little doe give me a "slam dunk,no brainer" shot this morning.....
Yup fellers, you guessed it... The woodchucker blew it!!!!! :rolleyes:
4 yards from the base of my stand, she looked up and caught me moving!!!!!
I did the same darn thing, in almost EXACTLY the same spot, that I did last year, when I missed that 3 point buck!!!!!!!!!!
I was stting down, so instead of trying to turn my body, I spread my knees and tried to shoot with my bow between them... At half draw, she looked me right in the eye, and the jig was up!!!!! She never really spooked though. Tried to wind me, but couldn't. Then she trotted off into the thick stuff, and hung around for about a half hour before feeding her way out of sight. Well, that's Ok... It's a long season. She'll be back!!! (maybe Tyler will get a whack at her)