I'd like to share my experience and my trail through the woods in search of a bow that would solve some long-standing issues...if it were possible.
As my investigations unfolded, I began a "Search for Bigfoot". Perhaps you'd like to join my journey?
Before I start, let me say that I have heard many great things about many, many bowyers on this site and elsewhere. I’m sure there are other bowyers who could have done a great job addressing my grip problem, but I only had so much money and at my age, so much time. Life the past 2 years, visiting my father in a nursing home daily, driving 2 hrs to and from work...left me a bit wore out.
Yes, I have a grip issue with standard risers--90% of the bowyers I talked to over the years felt they could ‘fix the problem!” but I’ve been burned a few times so I decided to give it one more try.
Friends recommended 2 bowyers: I contacted Kirk and one other bowyer by email. Both got back to me. I talked to one who recommended I try his customer's bow who lived in my region. I did. Not even close. :( Words can be so fragile when it comes to explaining something so complex as a bow grip or challenges to same.
Kirk responded by email. A few exchanges later, after reviewing my perceived issue with grips, Kirk provided me with a list of things that he would need from me to figure out if he could build a custom bow that would resolve my grip issues. He wanted “data” to determine if it was a grip design problem, or if there were flaws in my form or execution that no bow grip would fix.
I’m a data driven guy and Kirk asking for “data” to review, well, that fit my personality!
There is a “cost” associated with him diagnosing and custom building a grip to fit, but Kirk appeared very thorough in what he asked. I learned from others that he pulls few punches and if it was not a bow grip problem, I sensed he’d not waste my money or his time! I liked that!
Kirk gave me an outline of what he would need. He wanted videos and still pictures from a bunch of angles and viewpoints plus hand tracings.
We struck a deal. He invested heavily in time and reviewed everything--- and provided feedback to me that he identified a body mechanic issue with how I rotate my wrist and that he felt he could remedy my issue. And the safarri began...
Next: The build choices....