Last evening... tight knocks and all, I got to shoot the bow for real... after I demolished my corn on the cob!
This is my first shots at 15 yards
Pulled them all and went back to 20 yards:
Pulled them and went back to 25 yards:
I think that is 10 shots each... there are some "called" flyers (but I was the only one there to hear me call it so can't prove it! :rolleyes: )
But each successively farther shooting sequence seemed to get tighter-- maybe not.
But with tight nocks, I refuse to fiddle with anything remotely related to "tuning".
Today, Lee, my buddy in Lakaster, came up and we shot. I tried to open the nocks slightly, but with GT nocks already credited with some catastrophic failures, I was ginger about it.
We both shot the bow well and Lee only draws 26" ... those pics to follow. I shook the camera, but they didn't fall out yet!
BTW, I've not shot any better than that at 25 yards...and worse, with my 'go to'bow with the big fat grip... so after only 20 shots thru the bow (oh, wait...I did shoot the 3 while the corn cooked at 7 yards)that last group of 10 at 25 really amazed me...
I've always had to "struggle" with a new grip and bow to get it to shoot...If I DID manage to find a magic hold on it and shot well early...I could never reproduce that hold cause there was no way to know what I was doing when the grip had nothing to help me figure out how I gripped it that it worked well, vs. when it didn't!
I intentionally put this bow down and would pick it back up again over and over to see if it will repeatedly settle in my hand the same...TaDAH! It does! YEAH!
What's also odd is that this is a 60" bow and my standard bow is 62"... and I've shot this new one a good bit now and my shoulder blades are NOT sore (daily thing with other bows when I shoot) and my elbow doesn't hurt... that's another plus...and this is heavier draw weight... Interesting!
This just keeps getting better and better!