Copperheads are great. I love them all,but alot of Diamondbacks I have done have scales like a dragon. I have had great results with big,tough,scaled snakes applying superglue over the skins after they have been glued,and sanded to really keep the remaining scales down. I apply the glue above the scales that are sticking up,then smooth it over the suspect area with my finger going with the running pattern of the scales. Tru-oil is very good. You need to patient with it. lot's of thin coat's. I just finished a bow with Canebrake skins,and had my painter friend spray automotive clear coat over the whole bow. It has alot of flex due to its use in plastic bumper covers,and it is tough,and resists the suns UV rays. Guys...IT IS BEAUTIFUL. Way to glossy for the woods,but the bow is stunning. It just looks wet. I love the look of it. I will try to post a pic on this thread tonight if I get a second. rat'