Opening day found my buddy Mark (Kadbow) and I in the mountains of central Colorado. We implemented a plan we had hatched after scouting this group of 12 rams on the eve of opening day. We set up in the pre-dawn darkness, positioning me in a meadow above some rock outcrops where the sheep were routinely seen feeding. Mark was set up below, where he could survey the hillside for any ram activity.
Well, our best laid plan didn't include the one out-of-state tag holder who found the sheep at first light, in the rocks 150 yards below me. The archer from Arizona shot one of the bigger rams with his compound bow. I evidently walked right around them in the dark.
If that doesn't beat all...well it doesn't. A few hours after daylight, that group of rams comes in to Mark's view. He gives me the signal that rams are below me, and I begin to carefully make my way down to intercept the group. Meanwhile, Mark repositions to get a better view...
Now don't you know that every hunting story has a situation like this...
The rams walk right past Mark, he shoots some video, then they turn, climb the hill just out of view from me, and don't stop until they are well above me and looking to bed down.