Today was a great experience for me out on the desert. My neighbor and I found a good pond with some Antelope frequently using it, and we set up the Double Bull Blind. I had high hopes as the sun began to rise and animals started stirring out in the valley. This pond sits up on the bench and so we used a spotting scope to see the Antelope out on the flats, and it made it nice to see them coming to prepare for the shot. We got to watch this nice buck for an hour and decided if he would cooperate and come into range than I was going to shoot.
It took him a full 25 minutes to make his way within bow range. He was extremely cautious of the blind and began circling downwind to water behind us. I had to turn around and get on my knees to shoot out of the port holes in the back of the blind. One accurate arrow and ten second later he expired. He actually spun at the shot so the red on his shoulder is the exit wound. Magnus two blades do the trick. What a great way to start a hunting season. I used a Schafer Silvertip 56lbs and a 525 grain gold tip arrow.