For any given wheel bow show, you can get money from sponsors for: Bow, rest, quiver, sight, peep sight, stabilizer, laser rangefinder, laser rangefinder tactical riser attachment system, string silencer, limb vibration dampeners, riser vibration dampeners, quiver vibration dampeners, stabilizer vibration dampener bushings, buck fever vibration dampeners, erratic heartbeat vibration dampeners, knee knock vibration dampeners, release, strings/cables, string loops, arrows, broadheads, vanes, lighted nocks, hard sided case, bow hanging hook, special "archery" gloves, mask, pants, boots, shirt, etc..... Is there any other absolutely mandatory bow hunting equipment that I missed? If I left anything out, my whole hunt will be ruined.
Not much money advertising for a couple of sticks and string. Especially when so many trad hunters make their own sticks and strings instead of buying them.
Maybe we should all get together and start a non-profit traditional archery entertainment foundation.
Cave drawings - the original outdoor channel.