Hi guys. I've periodically come here for info for quite awhile now, but I've never taken the time to register. I'm moving up to AK in a few weeks, and one of the first things on the list is to take a Caribou this year, and moose/bear next year when my resident status is official. I shoot a Martin Savannah longbow (70# at my monkey-armed 31" draw) with POC shafts and a 125gr Zwickey broadhead. I plan on whipping up some Sitka or Douglas Fir arrows, but the POC's are just convenient for the time being. They average 630gr with my point weight. I've had a few folks tell me to switch to carbons for increased penetration, but I have no desire to go through the trouble of buying new points, inserts, and spending the cash to try four or five different shafts to find the right ones. Plus, I doubt that there's a practical difference in penetration. It's my gut feeling that there's not an animal in N. America I couldn't take with this setup. What do you guys think? The only animals I've taken with a trad bow are whitetails, squirrels and a very lucky aerial dove shot, so I would greatly appreciate some more experienced opinions.
Thank you!