Sharpening broadheads has been for me a very frustrating subject. I like to do thinks as easy as possible with the best results. I ve read all the sharpening threads. I started off with a 8" file, and it worked but I would take to much off. I ordered a KME from 3 rivers, tried it, sending it back today. For me, the angle on the KME was to high. I was using the wet/dry sandpaper method,it puts a nice polish on the edge but not sharp enough. I tried the lanskey sharpener and spent 40 minutes on one side and still couldn't get it to shave. I have done all this over the last couple of days. I realized that my sharpest results was from using a file. I went back to file and took it nice and slow and within 20 minutes I had an edge that would shave. For me the file is the easiest, fastest with the best results. And I am very sharpening challanged. Just thought I would share my experiences. Have a great day. Gilbert