It was last season for me. I was in a 8'high treestand,and was there for about 30 minutes.
Late October. I was still getting my stuff in order a little bit,heard a snap to my right,and I turned my head. There he was,a 4 point. I readied myself,the buck walked into a little clearing 17yards or so from me,and sniffed around a bit. He stopped in just the right place,I drew my Centaur,and said to myself...Just shoot at the crease behind his shoulder. I loosed the arrow and he moved forward a bit at the same time. Hit him in the liver area. He took off,FAST! and on a dead run.
I waited,shaking,and loving the adrenal,ancient,primortal,feeling coarsing through me. Thanked God. I got down about 10 minutes later,found a bloody arrow. Waited with my buddy Gary for a hour or so. Tracking was tough,NO BLOOD!! followed hoof tracks,and rustled leaves through the woods. After 100 yards,it got very tough. Went very slow. Looked way up through the woods..THERE HE WAS!! still moving. "We just pushed that deer" Gary said. It was late dusk. I HATED TO LEAVE THAT DEER. First light,went to where we had spotted him last. About 30 yards away from there,he lay! Was very grateful for being able to take this wonderful animal. rat'