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Author Topic: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???  (Read 1141 times)

Offline Charlie Lamb

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #20 on: August 27, 2012, 10:07:00 PM »
I shot my first deer before that other first bro!  I think.
   :confused:    :D
Hunt Sharp


Offline m midd

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #21 on: August 27, 2012, 10:30:00 PM »
I hunted 2 years before i shot one. Opening
Morning 2009 i slipped into my stand a full hour late, deer blowing everwhere. Just as i got settled in a double main beam 8 point came in to my right at 12 yds. As i stand up to turn i found that my back pocket buttons are hung in the seat of my stand and i cant get up. The buck finally busted me and ran off. I stood up and ripped my buttons off and fixed that problem. That afternoon a different  8 point came in and give me a 15yd broadside shot. All i can remember is putting tension on the string and seeing the slow motion spin of my fearhers. It was a solid heartshot with a quick recovery. I felt a sense of accomplishment that i never felt with any other weapon. It was a good year with 2 arkansas whitetail and a kansas gobbler all falling to a longbow and wood arrow
Traditional Bowhunters of Arkansas

Offline rastaman

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2012, 10:33:00 PM »
I about fell out of the tree I was shaking so hard after the shot. I don't remember picking a spot. I don't remember coming to an anchor point. In fact I remember very little about the shot process. The adrenaline rush was awesome, and it was a long time ago..     :)
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Randy Keene
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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2012, 10:43:00 PM »
It was 1981 I was 23yrs old this was going to be my first deer hunt. I was invited to hunt with some guys in Nothern Mo..After a miss that morning at a 6pnt I had another chance that afternoon. This time I connected. Made a good hit and watched him go down. It was a button buck. I was so excited I jumped out of the tree and ran up to my deer. Shot alot of deer since, but none compare to that one,no matter the size. Very fond memory for sure.
(Rom. 10:13)

Offline BOHO

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #24 on: August 27, 2012, 10:56:00 PM »
I was in my mid 20's I think. Maybe early 20's. I had a Green Mountain Longbow that was way to heavy for me at 66" and 67@28. I was shooting a 2315 with a snuffer. Shot a 5 point at 22 steps right in the heart. No blood at all but found him on a trail about 175 yards or so away. I was pumped !!
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Offline Badwithabow

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #25 on: August 27, 2012, 11:13:00 PM »
9-11-11 was the day.... i was settled in a tree in walks a TINY deer but it had horns so I drew my self made glass bow back and let her rip. Deer was walkin in the woods and i just picked an opening and let it go tryin not to think about it to hard. Deer dropped like a rock , pure excitement came over me.... then the bad part started he was tryin to get up but the 220 gr muzzy got both shoulder blades and spine so he couldn't. I climbed down nocked an arrow from about 25 ft when i released he jumped, shot low now i'm feeling horrible watching this beautiful buck suffer so I nocked another and this one went were it was supposed to, As he gave his last breathes to me I sat with him and thanked him for his life as he would provide food for my family after that it was all over in 30 sec.

This was the best and worst harvest I have experienced. I was jacked that God provided me with such an animal but equally as disappointed in my shots.... but I put my big boy face on and let the boys come help me find him which made things a lil bit better
Brandon Moore


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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2012, 12:25:00 AM »
Mine was a basic miracle.   I was 15 and hunting with my hoyt  recurve on public land in southern Wisconsin.  Because of a huge snow storm they had extended the gun season an extra week which made it overlap with the start of the late archery season.  I got dropped off by my dad on his way to work about an hour before light.  By light I was high in an oak standing on a limb overlooking a small swamp.  It was the first time I had ever bowhunted  in blaze orange.  About ten o'clock I heard several volleys of shots a ways above me. Soon after I saw a buck running allout across the swamp towards me.  He ran right up to 9 yards and slammed on the breaks. About a second later a rocky mountain razor zipped through 1 lung and clipped his heart.  He took off and I thought for sure some gun hunter would shoot him.  Than I looked down and could see a huge blood trail for about 90 yards right from my stand.  Holy poop I think I got him!  I got down and was trailing him and ran into 3 gun hunters looking at the blood trail.  They couldn't believe some little kid with a recurve shot that buck until we found him dead in a crick.  My 120 pound body dragged that little buck about a mile and I got back to the parking lot just as my mom pulled in to pick me up.  CLOUD NINE!
"Life's too short for ugly bows n arrows" Chris B

Offline WidowEater

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2012, 02:48:00 AM »
There mine is just to the left of these words.

It took 12 years of hunting to pull it off and when it finally happened I just breathed a sigh of relief that I had finally done it and then lamented that it was not all that it was supposed to be.

It was and still is the only buck Ive ever shot with any hunting weapon.

I saw the deer for the first time through a spotting scope from my parents back room in their house and I hunted that deer for 3 weeks after that.  I saw him several times and I passed on 4 other smaller bucks that were all within 15 yards.  Took a great deal of fortitude to not shoot one of them.

Then one day I was looking at smaller 6 point playing with a scrape and this guy came running in at the smaller deer.  The 6 point took off and this guy was looking like he was going to give chase until I gave out a loud sharp whistle.

I was already at half draw when the whistle stopped him dead and I just pulled the rest of the way back and released as soon as I hit anchor.

It was a perfect double lung at about 11 yards.  He just stood there looking around like he hadnt been hit but I could see the blood pouring out of him from the Woodsman I used.

He dropped and gave a last breath all within 30 seconds of the shot. I was kind of disappointed that something I had obsessed over for so long could end so quick and have ever since put a gread deal less importance on shooting what are perceived to be trophy animals.  And the wierdest thing is that I became a lot less driven to hunt.  By putting my heart and soul into hunting that one animal and for it come to such an abrupt end, did not seem fitting and did not give me the satisfaction I was led to believe it would. YMMV but I was content to shoot does and yearlings after that.
Silence over speed.  Heavier arrows never hurt.

Offline canoeman

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2012, 09:04:00 AM »
Mine was a smaller 8 point buck that came thru by himself.  This was my 2nd year of longbow hunting and I'd previously missed my chance at a fat doe.  She came thru with her nosey girlfriends and ruined the surprise I had for her (too many eyes and I rushed the shot).  Back to the buck ... I let him walk just past me and zipped an arrow thru both lungs.  He never new what just happened and went a short distance and layed down.  The next best part was having my kids track him from the shot to where he layed.  I definately believe the trophey is made by what was involved in getting it.

Offline kbetts

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2012, 09:18:00 AM »
My second season with a trad bow and my first with a longbow.  I hunted the same set three days prior and let a couple ladies walk.  They returned the next time with a boyfriend.  I don't use a jug, but instead pee right out of the tree.  I had a magnum doe under my feet and she couldn't have cared less.

He came to my tree and turned right into the lane I was hoping for.  For some reason, I don't get the shakes till after I shoot...good thing I guess.  Went about 80 yards and I heard him hit the dirt.  

That evening forever changed my life.

"The overhead view is of me in a maze...you see what I'm hunting a few steps away."  Phish

Offline landman

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2012, 09:38:00 AM »
I was hunting on my farm where I had hunted with my late grandfather for 45 years.   I always talk to him when I'm hunting and on that particular day I asked him to hunt with me and if he could arrange it I'd like to get a shot.

I had no sooner spoken to him than I looked upwind and there were 4 nice bucks standing less than 20 yards from my stand.   I picked a nice 6 and shot him as he turned slightly away and into the wind.   My Elk Mountain Phantom caught him on the back right rib case, traveled through him and came out on his left front shoulder.    He jumped twice and was dead before he hit the ground.

Offline longbowben

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2012, 10:01:00 AM »
Here is a blast from the past my first buck with my new Zipper 1994  
54" Hoots 57@28
60" MOAB 60@28
Gold tip, 160gr Snuffer
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Offline longbowben

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2012, 10:04:00 AM »
Leatherneck talked me into buying a traditional bow Thanks bud.The first is soooo sweet!!!!!!!!!! And look at the broadhead 160 snuffer still haven't changed after 19 years.This thread made me look back at some old hunting pictures talk about a good laugh.
54" Hoots 57@28
60" MOAB 60@28
Gold tip, 160gr Snuffer
TGMM Family of the Bow
USAF 90-96 69TH Bomb Squadron

Offline Owlgrowler

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2012, 12:55:00 PM »

I used to build treestands by taking a bowsaw, nails and hammer out into the woods. Find a spot, cut down some saplings, then cut em up into 14-24" pieces. Nail the pieces to trees for steps, get to the height I wanted, nail 2 more on either side of the tree for the "stand" part, then nail a bunch on crossing them for a platform. (sounds safe huh?)

I was in such a stand on the second day of the season, 1973, got home from school grabbed my Browning Nomad II and hit the woods. Soon a doe walked down the hill to me, stopped at 10 yards, turned broadside, opened-up, and stood there. I thought myself, "Man, if that was a buck I'd have him." At that, she turned her head a bit, and she turned into a he! 3 inch spike, legal buck. I hit him right in the spot, cut the arteries off his heart, went down within sight. That "rack" is still proudly displayed.

And yes, that is the camo I was wearing
Bragging may not bring happiness,
but no man having caught a large fish,goes home through the alley.

Offline ghall80

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2012, 01:10:00 PM »
I dont know if I can it was a very  very special day for me. I can say this had to sit down in front of that doe and and just watch and think about her and the woods and how great it was to be able to do something like that hope that feeling never goes away!!!!!!!!!
Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway--JOHN WAYNE

Offline buckeyebowhunter

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2012, 02:42:00 PM »
Shot my first buck and trad whitetail in the guts, felt so discouraged when this happened, but thanks to great tracking by my dad and grandpa I was able to find him; it was an experience i'll never forget.  


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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2012, 07:51:00 PM »
I know how buckeyebowhunter felt, my first trad buck was back there too, but after a long sleepless night my first tradition harvest was a modest 8 point, and it was the most awsome feeling when i finally found him the next morning!
Too many bows to list, and so many more I want to try!  Keep the wind in your face, and your broadheads sharp.

Offline ScottV_7

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2012, 08:07:00 PM »
Here's the story of my first.

Got my first traditional deer today. This is my first year hunting with a recurve although I've been shooting one for about 3 years.

My buddy invited me to hunt one of his stands today. So I got in it and there was no harness and it was about 25' up and windy. So I got out of it and sat on a hummock in some goldenrod right on a deer trail. Had 2 scent bombs out. Wasn't seeing anything until something came tearing through the brush. Turns out it was a doe followed by a buck. Couldn't tell how big, could only see beams as he ran away. After a minute or so I heard a deep, long grunt so I responded with three just like it. And then all hell broke loose...
The doe came flying back about 30 yards away. Then the buck came hot on her trail and I got a good look at his rack in profile. I got a little excited at that point and then I lost him in the brush for several seconds. He then came barreling out of the goldenrod RIGHT AT ME. I didn't have time to think, pick a spot, or anything. He paused at less than 5 yards and I put an arrow right in the boiler. Saw the arrow break off and fall out and heard CRASH, CRASH, CRASH, SPLASH, THUD. That's when the shaking started just like on my first deer. I tried to talk myself into waiting 30 minutes but after looking at the arrow I knew he had to be down. Didn't find any blood near the arrow so I walked around the path he took but headed to the creek where I last saw him. As soon as I reached the creek I saw him down on the other side. Fistpump, fistpump, THANK YOU GOD!!! Upon gutting him I saw that the heart was perfectly centershot. This, without a doubt was my most exciting sucessful deer hunt. After missing a doe and a spike last week I was starting to get discouraged, but this made up for it in a big way.
JK Traditions Kanati 48#@28"  
Fedora 560 52" 44#@26"

"Skin that one pilgrim, and I'll bring ya another!"

Offline R. Graddy

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2012, 10:06:00 PM »
For me it was the 2nd weekend of my 1st bow season with trad, so my 5th time to hunt with trad equipment.  I was hunting over a well used trail in a small patch of timber aprox. 60 x 30 yds surrounded by soy beans.  About an hr after daylight a 8 in. spike walks 10 yds in front of me.  I was hunting in a climber that was not trad friendly, I had to cant the bow parallel to the ground to make the shot.  The deer ran to the edge timber and stopped, looked around trying to figure out what happened.  After a a few seconds he took a step and feel over.  Shaking and  out of breath I sat down and thanked God for the experience.  I couldn't have more proud of that young buck.  While dressing the deer I found the heart had been center punched.  Call it beginners luck I guess.  I was very happy after all those hrs of practicing.  It was back in 1993 before we had a 3 pt on 1 side rule in Ark.

Offline ericmerg

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Re: First trad whitetail buck...How'd it feel ???
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2012, 11:09:00 PM »
Originally posted by TURKEYFOOTGIRL:
Mine was a basic miracle.   I was 15 and hunting with my hoyt  recurve on public land in southern Wisconsin.  Because of a huge snow storm they had extended the gun season an extra week which made it overlap with the start of the late archery season.  I got dropped off by my dad on his way to work about an hour before light.  By light I was high in an oak standing on a limb overlooking a small swamp.  It was the first time I had ever bowhunted  in blaze orange.  About ten o'clock I heard several volleys of shots a ways above me. Soon after I saw a buck running allout across the swamp towards me.  He ran right up to 9 yards and slammed on the breaks. About a second later a rocky mountain razor zipped through 1 lung and clipped his heart.  He took off and I thought for sure some gun hunter would shoot him.  Than I looked down and could see a huge blood trail for about 90 yards right from my stand.  Holy poop I think I got him!  I got down and was trailing him and ran into 3 gun hunters looking at the blood trail.  They couldn't believe some little kid with a recurve shot that buck until we found him dead in a crick.  My 120 pound body dragged that little buck about a mile and I got back to the parking lot just as my mom pulled in to pick me up.  CLOUD NINE!
what model hoyt recurve? is it the same one i bought>?
any animal you see posted that i say i personally harvested was eaten

" if you have to question if your bow will work you dont have enough bow"

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