Here's a pic when I had a tag last winter, fairly brutal hunt with cold temps, extreme winds, and working thru the crags in it. Saw a lone goat slip over the edge and disappear. I hot-footed over there, knocked and arrow, and slowly rose up at the edge... To see a nanny and kid at 3 yards or so. It was fun. Saw some other goats but no shooting. Here's some pics from that trip.
My pack, bow, and ice ax a few yards from the cliff edge.
A different view.
And looking over the edge into the bowl.
I walk past and thru them pretty regular in the fall, but without a draw tag so they're off limits. Might just take a trip to an OTC area next fall, I'll just wait and see what else develops. Really neat critters. A few more pics but from the fall not winter.
A young nanny at a few yards.
A big nanny at 30 yards or so.