After the shot the bull ran off and I could hear him stop and start "coughing". I took this as a good sign. He did this for 5 minutes or so and then all was quiet. I waited another 20 mins., I figured no more "couging" and "wheezing"= dead Elk. I trailed him to the spot he had stopped and found alot of blood, but no elk. I tracked him another 25 yards and found my arrow. I had shot right up to the nock and it pulled thru as he ran. It was Dark blood(liver) with bubbles when he stopped(lung cavity), I lost it shortly after the arrow came out. I decided I should get some help. And give the bull some time.
I was able to get my Uncle, Ash Cox and his son Colby to come up and help me. Good thing I did as they put the African bushmen treatment on him. The blood trail was a drop or two every 50 -100 yards, but they were able to sort out his tracks, from other elk and cattle, and followed him 1/3-1/2 mile to his last bed! I was very impressed! After a quick processing job and a short but crappy pack out I was able to sit back and truely soak in the day. I had taken a great bull in a heavy hunted OTC area and got to enjoy it with two of my favorite people in the world.
Kanati LB 56" 71-72@ my draw, cedar arrows and MA-3 bheads.