Thats the trick....
If ya see on on land or water the trick is how close can ya get befor they disapear....
The two that I missed I didn't take the chance of getting closer, So I missed maybe 12-15 yd shots....Plush they were swimming, one was swimming paralle to us the other straight away....
The one I did get was in the water, butt when he saw us he tried to sneak in the Tullies....I had a perfect side shot at maybe 5yds....I double lunged him, he turned around and bit my Aluminum arrow into and then jumped in the water....Lots of blood, and he sank....
The fun of these guys is ya never know where there going to be, out in the middle of the river, in the tullies with gold eyes looking at you or just on the bank....
Sometomes they get right along side of the Boat and splash and scare the heck out of you....
Another good deal is, it's an inexspencive hunt, we always see beaver and always get a couple of chances to loose an arrow....
If ya do miss the Arrow floats unless it sticks in the mud or a Beaver....
I have been 3 times so far and last night was the Darkest, no moon and it was the coldest nite so far....
So you have no chance to warm up, your sitting there cold and then you have an adrenalin rush and have to loose an Arrow....
It is a blast.........