I will double what T says about wolves. I would be more worried about bears and cats any day of the weak than a wolf! known attacks are extremely rare (moose john milovich is one of two on record and its not confirmed...but it might be the names sake for the infamous moose john river...hummmm something to think about cough cough)
I hunt around grizzlies and blacks routinely and have spent a hunt around a young polar bear that had roamed south with no real problems to speak of. We all know the demeanor of polars...they need no recognition in this circle.
I dont carry a handgun
I do carry pepper spray. I trust my life to pepper spray.
Those who advocate pistols of any kind.....usually are ones who know little about the situation..>OR< carry and ARE proficient with them in the first place. Unfortunatly there's an even bigger gene pool who believe they NEED to carry....this after working behind a gun counter for awhile now only confirmed what I've learned being around this kind of country most of my adult life.
There's a huge difference to someone who knows how to operate one...to a person whose proficent with one in a ...hmm 'stressful' situation to put it nicely LOL! Most of us can drive a car...it doesnt mean we belong on a nascar race track....after all who cant make a left hand turn over and over and over again...haha! What a boring sport
Shotguns are another one that I think are often over looked. alternating slugs/buckshot is probably the best round you can go with imho for bear deterrent/defense. but you gotta lug a gun around and have it at the ready ALL THE TIME! not slung/strapped to a pack etc.... or slung under a jacket as many do in the cold weather carry handguns!
The reality is pepper spray isnt ment to kill a bear....and you're not going to be spraying a bear 50 yards away either, they will be feet! So enough with the pepper spray banter! It's all a joke till the guy and his wife were mauled and killed, with a pistol and shotgun in hand a couple years back on the slope...doesnt do a damn bit of good when you're dead what kind of firearm you're toting along if you cant or dont get rounds in the air!
and it WILL NOT! read WILL NOT stop them in their tracks. A shot in a million may....do you trust your life to that? a super charged adrenaline filled 1000lbs of hungry pissed off charging moving animal ready to rip your head off and you got 1/2" to hit ? Lungs are out, heart is out..you're dead before the bear dies......... You dont have time to tinkle before you're hit! Only those who have seen first handedly what a adrenaline packed brown bear can take will understand my point when it comes to whats enough to carry! If you're hell bent on carrying, you'd best do some soul searching on whats the biggest round you can still be proficent with when you're bottoms trying to come out of your throat, breathing ceases and you're eyeballs are as big as an alaskan pumpkin on steroids!
things to think about when choosing protection. This isnt a human assaliant....until you've been charged/bluffed/had your camp ruined/brownie 2 feet from your head, offering ill offered opinions is going to end up with another person sitting on the front page papers due to 'i'm bad enough syndrome....I've got a gun thats all I need'. If you carry one you'd best know how to use it! Practice with it to the point you can do it in your dreams...load in the dark and never skip a beat in the process.....many can, a LOT cannot!!! Decide where you fall....your life depends on it!!!
I engage in this very topic more often than I care to admit and it sickens me to hear/read/listen to some of the advice given when this question comes up in any circle...some is sound, some...well I'll keep my thoughts to myself there!!!! The seriousness of the question at hand goes much farther than a wi black bear! Some of you or those reading, will end up here or in another part of the country that you had best be squared away or play the game of chance! Gambling and me go very poorly together, I'm not going to start now and I would advise those who walk this path to do the same!
All seriousness aside....spend time really thinking about your situation, your need, your concerns, your experience, your dedication, and your drive...you'll find your answers uncovered when you do a little soul searching...whichever it may be, there is no wrong in any of them as they've all proven effective at their intended purposes in the right pair of hands!!!