Yep...the bevels aren't very even....I use a belt sander to get them even. Once you do that, they are a cinch to sharpen....on a flat stone, file, diamond stone, or 'crock stick' type sharpener....and yes, mine DO feel razor blades.
The key is getting thos bevels even before you attempt to get them sharp.
I usually pyramid the tip to make it stronger...easy to do while sharpening by simply raising up the rear of the head about a quarter inch while sliding them backwards on a stone, flat diamond stone, or file.
Snuffers are the same way...'wavey' and can be sharpened to a razor blade feel in the same manner above.
Never had a noisy one either, but mine are all mounted straight....I don't buy them with adapers already in them, I do them myself.
They do penetrait well, and are a great 'all around head' IMO....once you do your part.