Originally posted by 30coupe:
Originally posted by TRAP:
I like em belly-up

I like that rack, Trap. How far apart are your pegs (vertically) and how far apart are the racks? Looks like your bows are pretty close in length so I suppose that allows for the close vertical pegs. My current rack is vertical, but I'm out of room and then some. I suppose I should sell some bows, but a new rack might do the trick. :rolleyes:
As far as how to hang bows, I don't think it makes a nickel's worth of difference. As long as the weight is equally distributed on a horizontal rack how far apart the pegs are or belly/back really won't have an impact. Vertical racks put the weight on the string for the most part, so theoretically, no harm can come to the bow. [/b]
Except that technically, all that weight hanging on the string is pulling only on the lower tip.
I'm really wondering if we're discussing "how many faireys can dance on the head of a pin" here. I'm not going to change my setup until someone explains to me how it is damaging my bows. I won't leave a bow standing on its tip, and I can see if the bow is not evenly supported or the pegs aren't level, it could affect one limb more than the other. Other than that, my modern, laminated bows seem pretty durable!
I suppose if I had self bows, it would be more like caring for a bamboo flyrod. My graphite rod doesn't seem to care much how I store it (or even if I use it).