As I sit here unable to hunt and awaiting yet another surgery, I am looking back on some hunts of the past. I got a laugh out of this one, hopefully you will too.
Add some of your own, I need a few laughs right now.
Many years ago I was INSANE on scent control. I never scouted unless I had hip boots on, every single article I went in the woods with was put through a rigorous descenting process. I'm talking, if my dog WALKED onto the porch while my clothes were hanging ready to be put in plastic, I would rewash them.
I've since learned to enjoy myself, but anyway:
One morning in the hour before pink light, I stealthily made my way (pretending to be a mouse) to my stand on opening day. The area was decorated with large rubs, and I was incredibly excited to hunt this particular spot. I was soooooo careful while scouting to not enter the hot area, but skirt it, sneak in a treestand and then stay away till this morning.
I earlier cut in a trail so that my legs would only minimally touch the brush in the area, helping to minimize my intrusion. I got to my tree,climbed up, and settled in to await the sun.
I had on my new King of the Mountain Bun Lite pants and hooded anorak on, a very expensive setup for me. I was psyched to try it.
I was comfortable and it was very quiet. Awesome.
Then something hit me hard. Not an object, but a smell. A bad smell, getting stronger by the second. I took my flashlight out and shined it to my platform.

My nightmare presented itself.
I stepped in dog crap on the way in. Not normal dog crap, but from an obviously very sick dog.
Both feet!
My platform was covered, and it was all over my boots, not just the bottoms. I was sickened, and had to bail. I was freaking out on how my whole plan and season was trashed in minutes.
I climbed down, and pink light had arrived. The smell lingered everywhere in the hanging mist. As I stood at the bottom of my tree, I glanced at the treestep in front of me covered in the goop. I had forgotten that my steps MUST be covered when I climbed down. I looked at my "NEW" KOM clothing, completely covered in dog slop. My gloves, pants, anorak, bow, catquiver, all had been hit. I was literally a walking pile of dog poo. I hung my head, and slumped back to my truck. Peeled off the bad stuff and drove home in my underwear, still stinking.
I laugh now, but MAN was I ruined that week by that dreaded dog so many years ago.