After many years of bowhunting, I finally killed a turkey with my longbow yesterday afternoon. It was the second day of Missouri's archery season.
As a general rule, I don't hunt for turkeys during archery season because I'm always after deer instead. However, I haven't seen much whitetail sign behind my house this year and I have seen a lot of evidence of our fantastic turkey hatch this spring. So I decided to play the hand that I was dealt and go after some feathered young-n-tenders. I didn't have to wait very long.
After about an hour in a popup blind, a single young hen came into my shooting area. I got pretty excited when I saw her because I knew I was probably going to get a shot. But I calmed down and patiently waited as she sloooowly fed my direction. Finally, she gave me a good shot at about 10 yards and I put a big broadhead through her. She ran 20 yards and then piled up. I can't wait to fry that breast up with some biscuits and gravy!
So far I've killed my first bear this season and now my first turkey. I've already had a banner year and it just got started! Those whitetails better watch out.