okay...it was the weekend that the Elk hunt was goin to open up. So we had our deer tags and the elk were opening up on the Monday.
The river was REALLY low and it sucked because my Father in law packs the kitchen sink when he goes in the bush..lol..
There was my Pa-in-law, bro-in law, -sis-in law and myself.
The first night was spent very wet as we all tipped on the shoal at around 11:45 at night..lol.
The next day we head down river about 20 K and fish for Walleye and eat. Then take in a scout around for any sign.
We move on down another 10 K and look for Elk sign. it's around 4:30 pm so we look around. Holy Hannah the Elk sign was EVERYWHERE!!!!
So we make our plan to trek in the bush and meet back at shore for 7:00.
I go east straight in the bush on a fresh Elk trail, and watch so it's not circling and they're not watching me!
I follow for about 3 k maybe alittle less and i hear a CRASH and a foul smell. I'm used to rutting Elk and this wasn't it.
I stand dead still as to wait it out, and see whats there...a deer? a satelite Bull Elk???
Then i notice a few small movements. i can barely make out 5 of them.
" Oh man i've spotted along the herd!!!" I thought
My eyes are peeled on the very first movement/Crash that allerted me. My heart is beating very fast and i can feel it thumping in my throat.
I'm feeling a bit uneasy and I know I'm being watched. i can see from where I'm being watched, but not exactly WHAT is watching me.
This goes on for around 15 minutes. I turn to look at my mperipheral and as soon as I do CRASH!!!!! The whole darn bush explodes.
I whip my head around and see a scattering of bodies..running... Now I'm freaked!! what the heck am i looking at???? I turn and run for about 50 yards and I stop. i can still here them crashing away from me.
What the heck just happened??? I stand still for a few minutes and wander back ever so slowly to where I just ran from. i go to around where i thought "they" were crouching and i found "beds" for a lack of a better term. Kinda like a dug out deer bed but deeper.anmd the stink was obscene!!! There were 4 of them situated closely.
Now I'm completly freaked out and I know what I saw, but don't KNOW what i saw ya know.???
I go back to camp and i say absolutly nothing. i see my bro-in law and he's looking rather disturbed at me.
We get our supper and pitch camp up and go to sleep on the river bank. a beautiful starry Sept night with NO cloud cover.
I'm having trouble sleeping..of course. And I'm half way there and I 'm joltedm upright by this horrific YOWL. not a yell..not a screem not a howl. This is something I've NEVER heard before. The cry is ringing in the air and everything in the night shuts up. No bugs no coyotes no nothing but this thing Yowling.
Now everyones awake and freaking out. Then the rocks and sticks start flying at our camp. Big rocks, not little 2 pounders..BIG ROCKS!
That's it the guns are comin out! but no-one is moving. these things are whooping up a storm. The sounds are a very long yowl.
and suddenly it stops.
After about an hour I gotta do what a guys gotta do. So I muster up the courage to step outta the tent and there were stones and large branches everyewhere around our camp on the river bank.
Now later the next day as we are packing up, my bro-in law tells me he had a very weird experience in the bush and thought that he was being watched by something and that he thought he saw something "strange" He couldn't quite figure it out but it smelled terrible and he found a "bed" of sorts that he'd never seen the likes of before.
Just like I had the same day at the same time. After talking to him more the day after with a bottle of Scotch,I found out he was only 65 yards to my North East, according to his GPS.
My father -in law to this day denies it happend. Although he has never been hunting in the bush since.
Not a fairy tale. Any question feel free to ask. i'm not shy. Now this is pretty condensed,so i've left out several point here for length.
I've only ever told 2 people before this...and have NEVER posted this EVER!!!! my gift to you.