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Author Topic: Strange or Unexplained  (Read 12437 times)

Offline MikeW

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #60 on: August 12, 2007, 10:02:00 PM »
I've had two things scare the crap out me in the woods. One time my brother and I were calling coyotes in the dark on the side of a steep hill that over looked a meadow. There were patches of snow around still, all the sudden I get this feeling something is watching us and is right behind us then we both hear the crunch of some snow. I have the gun(6mm Rem)and my brother has a hand held spot light. We whisper the game plan for him to turn around real fast with the light and I'd do the same with the gun. I just thought it was a yote. 1...2...3.. We both spin around and it was a cougar crouched down and ready to pounce at about 5 yards or so. I purposely pointed the gun right in front of him from the hip and shot, he went the opposite way and I went head over heels down the mountain trying to run the other way.
We never went night calling again.

An other time 6 of us are out camping and drinking and we all have guns(no not drinking and shooting)
We were all teens and were out rabbit hunting. So we all have shotguns or 22's. At night we sit around BS and drink ourselves to sleep. So anyways the fire had about died out and only 3 of us were up still and we start talking about UFO's and what we do if we saw one. Well you guessed it we see these 3 strange lights way off in the distance moving up and down and back and forth. Really weird, we tried to wake up the others but they were too drunk and wouldn't get up. This goes on for probably an half hr then all the sudden they come right at us fast, they were so far out they almost looked like stars then in about 2 seconds they were right in our camp at about 9:00 O'clock. They were so close it lit the camp almost like daylight. They hung there for about a minute maybe(which seemed like a lifetime)and then they left just as fast has they came. I mean these things moved from right in front of our face it seemed like to out of sight in about 1-2 seconds. We were so freaking scared we couldn't move and grab the guns which were just 10' away. Of course our buddy's in the morning didn't believe a word of it. I didn't sleep a wink that night and was pretty freaked out about camping outside after that for a long time.
There is no doubt in my mind that there are UFO's.  
We don't have anything that moves that fast.

I've had black bears come into camp while out backpacking twice. Snooping around camp, moaning, sniffing the tent...no gun. That's tons of fun and will get the ole heart pumping.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.

Offline saker

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #61 on: August 12, 2007, 10:10:00 PM »
I heard that sound when I was backpacking in the Tetons.  We had pitched tent for the night and then "it" went off.  Was the most grotesque and gutteral sound I've ever heard.  It sounded like rage for lack of a better word.  This happened about 1 am in the morning.  We were out there for 10 days - only heard it once but we were covering ten miles a day.  This occurred about 8 years ago and to this day I have no idea what the hell that was.

Offline MikeW

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #62 on: August 12, 2007, 10:13:00 PM »
The Indians where I lived all had stories how a mountain lion screams to fool man into coming to rescue the woman and then attacks and eats you. They sound like a woman screaming from a distance. I heard them a lot where I lived. Saw them very rarely.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.

Offline mmgrode

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #63 on: August 12, 2007, 10:39:00 PM »
Man, this is great reading! Thanks guys!  :thumbsup:      :campfire:
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."  Aristotle

Offline trashwood

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #64 on: August 12, 2007, 10:44:00 PM »
I don't have a big foot story but I got the devil scared out of me one afternoon.  I went to the stand early afternoon to see if some turkey would come by before the deer got busy.  I didn't check the weather so I didn't catch a small strom coming my way.  It didn't look very heavy so I decided to ride the rain out.  AS the front edge of the strom came in we had an electric display of lighting.  I saw it hit the oppisite ridge of the valley I was hunting.  I was getting kind of uneasy when a tree was hit by lighting about 100 yds away from me I was looking right at it.  the tree literally explode like a bomb.  piece of wood and bark were landing just a little ways in front of me.  there was this surge of steam or smoke that came from the tree just as it exploded.  It could have been a my imagination but just before the strike I tought I could feel the hair on my arms standing up.  right after the strike I thought I felt a wave of hot air hit my face.  

It made a believer out of me.  If lighting is coming.....I'm going espcailly if I'm on the ridge of a canyon.


Offline Larry247

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #65 on: August 12, 2007, 10:47:00 PM »
I've got more if ya wanta listen??  :campfire:    :coffee:
A trophy is in the eye of the beholder.

Offline Hawkeye

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #66 on: August 12, 2007, 11:04:00 PM »

Did you make any bows outa the shards???

Daryl Harding
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."  Jim Elliot

Traditional bowhunting is often a game of seconds... and inches!

Offline Landshark160

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #67 on: August 12, 2007, 11:17:00 PM »
Bring it on Larry, don't make us beg!   :campfire:

The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline Jake

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #68 on: August 12, 2007, 11:21:00 PM »
Thanks for the search and rescue.  Almost didn't make it.

      As camping trips go this one was pretty normal.  Fire , marshmallows, you know just normal stuff.  To this day I don't know why we decided to leave that night.  I think the girls wanted cigs or something from town.  It wasn't too late so we all loaded up and headed for town.  We had been drinking a lil so we decided to take the back roads.  I still do not understand this way of thinking but when you are young you do lots of stupid things.  Kinda wonder sometimes how I made it through the stupider times in my life.  We tookour time and hit some remote parts of the country roads.  These roads were all dirt and we were driving slow to keep the dust down.
      There was one road that was famous for the local kids in town.  Ironically we called it "Sasquatch" road.  I don't know who came up with this name but it was we all knew it by.  As kids we loved it because it had a huge hill about half way and you could stop and park your car and turn the lights out and see for 2 miles.  You could see anyone coming from either direction.  This is where we ended up on the way back from town.  Parked.  Lights out. In the Dark.

     Standing outside the truck Todd spotted the glow first.  In the distance was the definate glow of a bonfire.  It was coming from a lake that we knew as Axel lake.  There were no houses on the lake so it got the best of our curiosity.  We just figured that someone was having a party and had forgotten to invite us.  We had hunted around the lake a couple of times but really had no idea who would be out there.  
      We headed for the lane leading back to the lake.  All we were expecting to find was a bunch of our friends partying.  Man were we wrong.  We got back to where everyone was parked and got out and filled our pockets with beer and headed toward the fire.
      It was eeerie and too quiet as we approached.  The fire was big and there was lots of activity around it.  The girls noticed it first and one of them screamed.  Just to the side of the fire there was a goat or a dog or some similar animal hanging from it's back legs...no head...blood everywhere.  Upside down crosses stuck in the ground.  Candles  burning all over the place.  The scream brought us instant attention.  Something we didn't want or need.  These people were all wearing black and/or red robes.  It was complete chaos.  Yelling and running in all directions.  I had my girl by the hand and we started running for the truck.  I lost Todd.  I was yelling his name as I ran down the 2 track.  Someone was right behind me and I could only hope that it was Todd.  
       I was on the ground and whoever was behind me ran right past and was going for my girlfriend.  People were running all around, car doors slamming people screaming and yelling.  It was the most scared I have ever been.  They knocked my girl down and actually bit her on the shoulder.  I picked her up and she was sobbing.  We didn't even know she got bit til later.  I put her on my shoulder and ran back to where I parked the truck.  My truck was gone.  Confused... I just started running she was still bawling and screaming  and I got into some tall weeds and layed her down and tried to quiet her.  I could hear cars leaving and also people walking around talking.  I couldn't make out what they were saying but it was just unnerving.  
      The old Ramcharger had a very distinct sound when it was running.  I would have recognized it anywhere.  It was coming down the lane.  I grabbed Amy by the hand and we headed for the sound of my truck.  It was Todd and he had came back for us.  I coulda killed him and hugged him at the same time.  Instead I just put her in the truck and told him to haul a$$.

  It's the most frightening event in all my years in the woods.  We all went back to my parents house and crashed on the couches.  It was time to rest.  We were all spent.  The next day Todd and I went back our campsite and cleaned up.  The girls wouldn't leave the house.  Not much was said about why he left us and it was a couple of years before we ever talked about it.  I 'm just glad he came back for us.  We only told a couple of people and of course they all laughed and told us we were nuts. No Bigfoot story here.  Just a spooky night in the wrong place for 4 young and stupid kids 20 years ago.

Offline Landshark160

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #69 on: August 12, 2007, 11:27:00 PM »
Dang Jake, still no idea of what kind of ritual y'all stumbled into?

The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline Jake

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #70 on: August 12, 2007, 11:33:00 PM »
Nope and I don't really care.  Just glad We made it out.  Never been back there either.  My house is only about 4 miles from there but I have no intentions of ever going out there.

Offline Larry247

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #71 on: August 13, 2007, 12:14:00 AM »
Back in the late 60's they closed down the rifle season in the county i grew up in. The deer were few and far between then and have gotten a lot bigger and more populated now.Alot of the old strip mines and some of the punch mines that were open in the 60's and the 70's closed down. They being the mineing co.'s blocked the roads and alot of the trails off. If you didn't have a 4-wheel drive and know how to access some of the hidden trails you walked.
A friend of mine that helped me get started into bowhunting used to and still does hunt back in there.Anyway back in the mid 80's him and a buddy of his drove an old lifted up blazer in there and knocked the widshield out a few times and used to run through the mud holes to make them deeper so it would be hard for people to follow. Anyway they built a little cabin back there on an old strip a few feet from a highwall surronded by white pines that had been there for only 15-20yrs.
While they were huntin in there one week, an old coon dog showed up and stayed about 3 days. They tied it up to keep it from runnin off. When they went out for supplies they took that old bluetick hound out and left it at the store so the owner would come and pick it up.
They got back to camp and hunted a few days and never thought anything about old dog.
My buddy who's comical anyway told me he got up early early one morning to go do his buisness back out in them dark pine trees. He said, "I walked out there about 100yds and you could've heard mouse runnin at 50yds it was so eerie and quiet." He said something didn't feel right " It was just to quiet man but i had to and i dropped my pants and bent down and all of the sudden i felt somethin ice cold and wet in the crack of my a$$, and i screamed like a mashed cat son! and dove about the length of my body onto my belly into the dirt screamin the whole way"."I jumped up and ran tryin to hold my pants up and fight what ever that was while i was makin about 90 through the dark twords the cabin and screamin the whole way"." At the same that old bluetick was a makin 90 the other way and a yipin every breath!"  :campfire:    :biglaugh:
A trophy is in the eye of the beholder.

Offline Bill Shepard

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #72 on: August 13, 2007, 12:17:00 AM »
It's probably safe to say they weren't singing "Jesus loves me" as they sawed the head off of the animal hanging in the tree.    :eek:  

This would make a good permanent thread of it's own.  I've had fun reading it, in my dark living room, with the grandfather clock ticking behind me.  Darn, now I have to try and go to sleep.
"...But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Offline Larry247

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #73 on: August 13, 2007, 12:31:00 AM »
That was creepy Jake!

I've got a spookie one too!! ???
A UFO ???
And a " I here banjo music one too."
A woman's scream! ???
Panther in the grave yard! ???
What's that comeing up my tree in the DARK!???  :scared:    :campfire:    :coffee:
A trophy is in the eye of the beholder.

Offline zilla

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #74 on: August 13, 2007, 12:41:00 AM »
This one time at band camp....

Damn Nice guy


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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #75 on: August 13, 2007, 01:05:00 AM »
I've got a story that stood the hair up on the back of my neck several times.....August 1983 a friend of mine in the construction trades offered me a 6 week job in Alaska to frame a house with him out in the bush. I had to be in Anchorage in two weeks to get the job. My girl friend/roommate at the time, said she was game to go along for the ride. I gutted the old work van i was using at the time and built a little mini camper inside with a counter for our cook stove and a bed i could store my tools underneath. We stuck two nice captains chairs in the front, loaded up the Springer spaniel named Boozette, and off we went. A 69 Ford 1/2 ton van, with a 3 on the tree and a 302 in it....It was a runner!
We dubbed it out "Al-Can Buster"

Well back in those days the Al-Can highway was considerably rougher than it is today. We ran north until we got to White Horse in the Yukon territory on pavement pretty much. After that the roads were still paved for a while but it was some rough going....Pretty soon the pavement gave way to gravel completely as we headed further west. the whole area became seriously remote. We would drive for hours without seeing another car and when we did they were flying by you doing 70 mph and spray you with gravel. We lost 3 head lights, and the windshield was trashed by the time we arrived in Anchorage. We took 5 days to make that trip so we could savor the wilderness during the daylight hours. everyday the sun started setting we'd find a place to get off the road always and set up a little camp. As we got deep into the northern territories we saw more and more wild life, and less and less people. One night we had cooked up some bacon and eggs for dinner.....Cooking bacon in the wilderness which just happens to be filled with very large grizzly bears is not a good thing to do. Now i wasn't totally ignorant in those days, but looking back now makes me realize just what we had done. I poured the bacon grease on the fire and we wiped out the pan and stuck it back in the van. After cleaning up good and leaving no traces of food around, we sacked up the garbage & put that in back with the tools. Kathy called the dog and we crawled inside ourselves to bed down.....

Long about mid night....Kat and i were awoken by the growl of the dog.....This dog never growled either. I'm scratching my head and trying to get the dog to mellow out at the same time when we felt the van rock back and forth the first time. The dog went absolutely nuts then and was up in the front in an instant barking up a storm. Kathy say to me ..."Kirk....That sounds like a bear out there." I came back with something like  "Really? ....ya think?" If i was so shook up myself at the time i would of laughed at that remark, but when i heard the sound of the claws scratching the top of the van, my blood ran cold. This van is 7 feet tall guys.....That's a BIG bear out there....All i had with me was a single shot 12 gage loaded with double aught buck shot.....When i grabbed up the shot gun, Kat grabbed me and said, "You aren't going out there are you?" I said "Hell no! I'm not going out there!!! But if he breaks that side window i'm going to force feed him some buck shot!" We are both freaked out completely now... he's trying like the devil to get inside the van rocking it back and forth and scratching at the doors and windows. I figured he was after our frying pan or the garbage. After about 5 minutes of this crap...(Which seemed much longer...) I'd had enough.... eased forward and reached for the window knob and Kat grabs me a pleads with me not to go out there again.....I had no intention of stepping outside with a bear....i cracked the front window on the opposite side where that bear was at the time about an inch, stuck the barrel out the window, and touched it off.....I never moved so fast in my life! i had that window shut and another round in the chamber so fast it was a blur.....then Kathy and i just sat there shaking and waiting for our ears to quit ringing.....Did i mention praying? There was a bunch of that going on too i'm sure.....after ten minutes, there was still no movement or sounds at all. the spring spaniel was at the bottom of our sleeping bags shaking like a leave now....No fear of a huge bear at all, but a gun goes off and she was a basket case....Yep! You guessed it...It was Kathy's dog at the time, and definately not a hunter......

The next morning, well after daylight, we carefully checked out the area from all windows before getting out of the van again. Kathy had a nature call, and i wanted to assess damages and look at the tracks this thing made....there were a few scratches on the van that didn't worry me none. But the size of those tracks put the fear of God into me!....I'd never seen a bear track that big in my life, and i had a few years of hunting under my belt back then too...the pads were  7 inches across & the claws themselves were a good 2 inches long or more. I kid you not…. it was crazy! Needless to say we got moving pretty fast that morning.....We passed on the idea of cooking breakfast for some reason......

We had several more bear encounters in the Year we stayed in Alaska, but none as scary as that first one in the wilds of the mountains in the Yukon....I could write a book on our adventures up there......OH......By the way....The job I was going up after fell through…..But it was too beautiful to leave….i found another…..My girl friend / room mate at the time and i were married in a little log cabin church in Anchorage a year later.....We took our 2 week honey moon trip back down the Al-Can highway again heading for the “Lower 48”. This time, with a canoe on top.....We caught our dinner every night and canoed trough some wilderness lakes and streams you just couldn't believe unless you've seen them with your own two eyes.....That was definitely the last frontier up there, and I believe it still is....

We celebrate our 23rd anniversary this next weekend……


Offline electric blues

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #76 on: August 13, 2007, 01:27:00 AM »
I have a black panter story. When I was 4 I walked outside of my house around late dusk and walked right up to one. Maybe 10yrds or so. It was just using a huge dogwood as a scratching post. The claw marks stayed for like 6 years. WHen I saw it I screamed for dear life, and I guess that scarred it off. It was atleasy 7 feet standing on two legs, maybe 4 on all fours.

A few months earlier, pine beatles came into my area and took out off of the pines, so they were cut. In one particularly large brush pile, a huge moma cougar made a den, and my mom was genius enough to crawl in and get like 6 feet from it. They haven't passed through since '95 or so. Listen for the scream

Offline Artur

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2007, 02:08:00 AM »
haven't got a story of my own, but here's one from one of my aunts in Wisconsin...

It was the end of the day, just after nightfall, after a family reunion. She was expecting my uncle to get back from wherever he was for the past couple of hours (he was late, as usual). She hears what she thinks are his boot-steps on the deck outside the door...opens the door...and finds herself less than ten feet from a bear! Needless to say, she steps back in to the house, the bear jumps for the tree at the end of the deck -- and my aunt nearly falls over from heart failure when she realizes exactly what could have happened. This was only about a week ago.

Wait, I was wrong; I do have one: I was walking out back of the house (40 acres of wood/marshland, used to be a gavel pit) one night -- I was young and stupid, a common failing -- and heard something moving through the brush off to the side, maybe 15-20 feet away. I thought it was the dog, since it liked to run around the property... I went back during daylight hours and found a nice, fresh, DEEP set of bear tracks right where I thought I had heard the dog; the ground gets soft there, but never mucky..... Heck, we've even had bears come right up and take a nap on the front deck.
Artur - Archer/Fletcher; To Live Is To Learn, To Learn Is to Live

Offline Larry247

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2007, 03:22:00 AM »
Jim, that was just plan WRONG!
I've been reading that peace of work for two hours!
I'll have to admit that that was a good one!
I sat down here in my basement and went through a half a bag of Levi Garrett," band camp uhh!"
I knew where that was going but i just had to read more....That was a good one!!!!

A trophy is in the eye of the beholder.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Strange or Unexplained
« Reply #79 on: August 13, 2007, 08:53:00 AM »
Here is the strangest thing that has happened to me.

I was bow hunting on Thomas mgt area in Bama one afternoon and drove home through a remote part of the county on my way home. I passed through a valley where the road(the Sally Burns Road) bisected the Waldrep farm, pasture on the left, long hay field on the right. The hay field was about 500 yds long, creek and hollow on one side and steep hills on the end and right side of the field.

When I got to the a point I could see to the end of the field I could see a glowing orb, about the size of a pickup at the end of the field.

My friend Ralph often hunted the woods adjoining the hay field so I assumed I was seeing his trucks headlights so I stopped to see if it was him and if he had had any luck.

First thing I noticed when I excited my truck was there was no sound from the object, had Ralph's truck been running I could have heard it. The object that had been stationary, floated silently across the 100 yds or so to the hollow and creek bottom side of the field and left so quickly, directly away from me, that in one second it went from looking like a full moon sized object to a twinkling star, miles away in the distance.

I stood there with my mouth open and thought" dang, I have just seen a genuine UFO".

I have related this story to very few because of it's improbable nature.

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