I have an old 65# Herters solid glass bow, as well as a few others. But, like most of the heavier draw solid glass bows, it is heavy and STACKS like bricks. If you keep your eye on that big online market, you may find a heavy solid glass Paul Bunyan, Herters, Stream-Eze, Parabow, Ben Pearson, Fleetwood, Bear, etc. in decent condition for very little money. Aside from the stacking, they shoot hard and fast and will kill big game, and are rugged bows to leave at camp or in a car trunk. They get the job done. Just don't expect the same cast and smooth draw that a well built laminated recurve provides. I started with a red solid glass 35# Bear as a boy, so I have a soft spot for these bows! Glass bows have introduced millions of people into archery over the past 60 or so years. I have a collection of vintage 50's NATIONAL BOWHUNTER Magazines, and there are countless stories and pictures of small game, bear, deer and even Elk killed with the economical solid glass bows.
Given the number of quality built, high preformance, low cost imported bows available today (Samick Sage, etc.), I would be surprised if "heavy" (over 40#) solid fiberglass bows were ever offered again.