Cade is a week away from what he's been dreaming about and preparing for what seems to be his whole life...he finally gets to be a "deer hunter"!
We've been working hard getting ready for next came a lot quicker that we thought it would a couple years ago.
Last year NYS lowered their Jr. Archery age to 12 from 14. This year they moved the season from mid-October to October 1st.
I have a bunch of pics to share showing what we've been doing the last month or so getting ready.
But I've been kind of reminiscing lately, thinking back and looking at pix realizing how much he's grown and how far he's become as an archer.
I thought I'd post pix of his "Journey"...
Honest to god...his first shot ever! Just before his 3rd birthday...
Second time out shooting...
First time out in the woods stumping...
Snow shooting...
I set a stand on a tree to make sure everything was ok on it and Cade just had to try it out(only a ft off the ground)...
First time out with me in the fall setting a treestand...
This time out I said he could only go as long as he walked the whole time can see how long that lasted...
a lot more to share, just getting started....