Thanx for the support I said he's just more determined than ever to make it happen!
So anyway....that evening he had a baseball game, so we didn't hunt.
But Sunday morning we planned to hit a stand we hadn't hunted yet, we had a good wind....but just a we were loading the truck the predicted rain hit!
So a quick change of gear and some clothing, we decided to try the same spot where we had all the action the day before....we'd at least stay dry in the blind.....
Nothing came in at first light even though Cade was hoping beyond hope that the buck would show again first thing.....

First action was the turkeys that started to call behind us, then one to our right. The bird to our right flew down into the orchard...took a wide berth around us...and called the rest of the other birds up the hill to her and we never heard or saw them again....then I saw a deer coming!
I could quickly see it was a doe with 2 big fawns following it...the same group from yesterday, the doe Cade shot at...
Then I saw 2 more does coming behind them!
But the old gal had learned a lesson and was on to the blind immediately. She actually came close enough to shoot at, but was nowhere near position to shoot, and she was so jumpy I wasn't gonna let Cade shoot unless she was super close...eventually she started blowing and took everyone with her....exciting stuff!!!
Not quite as big a daddy's yet, but closing quickly...

Sunday afternoon we hit another orchard with the DB blind. I have a stand here, but the wind was wrong for it.
The deer were already out in the orchard when we got there at 3:30! Of course they spooked and went back in. I thought for sure they'd come back out before dark.
Cade's Stewart Lil' Slammer....

The view...

We forgot the second stool, so he had to sit on his pack...

The deer never did come back out, but we did have a couple come in behind us, but they never came close enough before it got dark.
All in all a great weekend of hunting for us!!