This was more of a family and friends weekend, than a hunting weekend. I got to watch my nephew, who plays NCAA div.1 soccer play 2 games this weekend, Cade had a baseball game, my sis was down from upstate, and my bud Peter Iacavazzi was in town to train cadets....but...we did get to have a quick hunt Sat. morning....we hit the ground blind!
Evene though this was a well built, and well placed blind...I knew it would still be tough to pull off killing a deer out of it for Cade as he's not experienced enough to know "when to move"...
Long story story short....the big doe and fawns came in to about 40yds., but she was very, very weary and caught Cade make a move.
Then another doe with a single fawn got in tight on us, and once again Cade got "caught"....a good learning experience for him.
Here's some pix of the morning...

Deer ninjas...

Looking back at the blind....

Time to go play baseball.....

