so this morning, right at first light a doe walks in, but doesnt water. shes just feeding, and alone. finally she feeds away. shortly afterward a coyote comes by, but hes in a hurry. moves by at 15 yards, but was moving quick and i didnt figure id hit him so didnt shoot. then things slowed wayyyy down...
about 3 hours later, im sitting there reading a bugle magazine, sunk wayy down in my lawn chair. i have a shooting stool in there and the lawn chair to relax in. anyway, id looked around a few times and saw nothing, but was surprised to hear something walking in the mud near the water. i knew it was antelope, and poked my head up. sure enough, 3 does and a dandy little buck....
it took me a bit to get organized. my bow was leaning against the blind wall on the other side and the shooting stool was centered but in the back. i got the bow ok but didnt think i could get to the stool, as one doe was acting a bit nervous. so, i knelt in an uncomfortable position mid blind and started to draw on the broadside buck. at this point he turned straight toward me and drank so i slowly let down. after he drank though he turned to a nice quartering away angle. i dont range things buy im guessing 27 or 28 yards. i picked a spot and let it fly...
heres the hole in the mesh where my arrow went...